
Our Safeguarding Policy

St Anne's Church has adopted the policies and procedures recommended nationally by the Church of England.

Our current Safeguarding Statement. 

Code of Safer Working Practice

Our Code of Safer Working Practice expresses our commitment to demonstrating God’s love by placing the highest priority on the safety of those to whom we minister. It sets out what we expect from anyone who ministers in our church, in both paid or voluntary roles, and is one of the ways we ensure high standards of safeguarding in all we do. All members of staff and volunteers are expected to report any breaches of this code to the Parish Safeguarding Officer (details below). Please follow the links to find the following essential safeguarding documents:

Further information can be found on the Church of England Safeguarding website.

Reporting & responding to abuse or inappropriate behaviour to you or others.

If you have any concerns, whether they be for yourself or someone else, whether or not something has actually occurred or you are aware of that something may be wrong but you do not know enough to be sure you should report this. We ask you to report this to our parish "Safeguarding Officer", but if they are not available or for some reason you do not want to contact them, then you may contact the Vicar or the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor.  See below for how to contact them. If you or someone else is in immediate danger then phone 999.

Never do nothing.

Meet our team

Should you have a concern over any safeguarding issue then please contact, any of the following people:

Revd Andreas Sistig


07595 542143


Helen Perry

(Safeguarding Officer)

01276 474167

Jackie Broadfoot

(Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor)

07918 559387

St. Anne's Church as part of the Anglican Diocese of Guildford is
committed to the support of those who have suffered or are still
suffering physical, mental, sexual or spiritual abuse.

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Other helpful contacts

Childline 0800 1111

Your Sanctuary 01483 776822

Surrey County Council
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
0300 470 9100

Hampshire MASH
01329 316113

NSPCC – 0808 800 5000

Stop it Now – 0808 1000 900

NAPAC – 0808 801 0331

Samaritans – 116 123

Family Lives – 0808 800 2222

National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000 247

Action on Elder Abuse – 0808 808 8141

Diocese of Guildford  

Surrey Safeguarding Children Board

Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board

Surrey Community Safety 

The Church of England's Parish Safeguarding Handbook