Here are our forthcoming services:


Worship Services


8am: Holy Communion BCP: This service has a regular congregation who find it a peaceful and a practical way to start a Sunday.  The service generally does not include hymns (other than on Easter and Christmas) and generally lasts around 40 minutes. The service uses the words of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, and is followed by coffee in the Church Centre.

10am: Our 10am services are either Holy Communion, Mattins or All Age Worship services, include hymns and are followed by a sociable tea or coffee in the Church Centre afterwards.

All Age Worship

1st Sunday of the month:

We hope that All Age Worship services provide a friendly, joyful and prayerful environment for children as well as adults and be inclusive for those who are not familiar with Holy Communion.

Holy Communion

2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays of the month:

All confirmed members of the Church of England are welcome to take communion as are those who regularly take communion in their own churches. If you do not wish to receive communion but prefer to receive a prayer of blessing just carry the service book with you to the altar rail to indicate that you do not wish to receive the bread and wine - or remain in your seat. The service lasts about 1hr 10 mins.


3rd Sunday of the month:

This service, which takes place once a month, uses the Book of Common Prayer. The service usually last about 50 mins. This service does not include Communion. 


3pm: Messy Church: 3rd Sunday of the month: A fun, interactive service that may or may not include a little mess! Click here for more information. 


6pm: Taize Prayer: 2nd Sunday of the month: This is a meditative service using music from the Taize Community. Click here for more information. 


10am: Holy Communion CW: This said communion service is popular with those who have not been able to make a Sunday or prefer a less busy service.


Morning Prayer: We gather daily for Morning Prayer at 9am via Zoom (except Sundays) and would love to have you with us there! 

You will also need a password to join us. Please CLICK HERE​ to request the password. 

Join a Zoom.  Meeting ID: 864 1914 2759  You will also need a password to join us. Please click here to request the password. 


Live Stream: We are pleased that we are able to live stream all of our Sunday 10am services, via YouTube, so even if you can't be there in person, you may still watch along from home. 

Watch the live stream on YouTube


The Daily Examen

A very simple but powerful way to review the day and discern what gives you life and what does not. Curious?  There are lots of prayer resources to help you pray and connect in this way. You might like to explore PRAY AS YOU GO or the Daily Examen offered by HALLOW.